Among Irish dairy farmers, the interest in using our no-withdrawal veterinary device OZOLEA-MAST to tackle minor udder problems has been growing in the last two years. In 2022, some of them pioneered its use in the Irish dairy system with great success.
Michael Dullea from Clonakilty (Co. Cork) is one of the pioneers. The herd is 120 cows large, and they are under conventional dairy farming. In 2022, Michael noticed our Facebook ad and immediately contacted us.
His interest was on both the most common protocols for lactation issues: M1 for the presence of milk flakes and M3 to manage chronically high SCC. How did the trial go on Michael’s farm?
“First, I treated two cows following protocol M1, and they both recovered 100%”, Michael said. “I also did try OZOLEA-MAST on high SCC cows. I must say that I am very pleased with the results: the cell count dropped in three cows, and, after the treatment, their milk was at a very satisfactory condition. Another cow had to be treated with antibiotics as she was a re-offender. We needed to cull her. Timely intervention is very important, but I am very impressed with your product! It is by far the best non-antibiotic product I have ever seen.”
With OZOLEA-MAST, dairy farmers can achieve short-term benefits such as no milk losses, reduced antibiotic usage, reduced profit erosion. In the long run, the great benefit concerns the reduced occurrence of more severe mastitis cases… and dairy farmers know what this really means for their management!
OZOLEA is partnering with Agrihealth in Ireland.
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